A series of objects which contemplate their own materiality.
By combining contrasting materials, juxtaposing the old and or lost to the new, this series experiments with the concepts of '(re)purpose' and '(re)production' and contemplates the idea of time through craft.
"... This wooden chair is made with remains found on the same Mediterranean beaches where migrants arrive. This chair is not “applied” but “implied art” because it carries a specifically human potential in its materiality: it has stories to tell. I would like to reuse the notion of “implied art” in order to account for the potential of artefacts to do more than embellish our lives."
- Vlad Ionescu, 2016
Applied arts, implied art: Craftsmanship and technology in the age of art industry
Applied arts, implied art: Craftsmanship and technology in the age of art industry

"... Precisely because the entire world – from exquisite design sold on 5th avenue to the cheap plastic Tupperware made in China and sold in Africa – is the outcome of complex machines, the “implied arts” would have to allow irreg- ularities and tell stories about imperfections and accidental encounters. Humans should make boxes in which they place their tools and not tools that house humans into boxes."
- Vlad Ionescu, 2016
Applied arts, implied art: Craftsmanship and technology in the age of art industry
Applied arts, implied art: Craftsmanship and technology in the age of art industry